KY Lingering Ash Project
KY Lingering Ash Project

Contact Information

Dr. Ellen Crocker
Assistant Professor, Forest Health Extension

730 Rose St. Lexington, KY 40546


Lingering Ash in Kentucky

Lingering Ash in Kentucky

Lingering ash trees are those that meet the following criteria:

  • Growing in areas in which >95% of untreated, native white and green ash trees have  succumbed to EAB
  • Trees that are growing naturally and are not planted
  • Areas in which EAB has been established for 8 or more years
  • Trees that are over 10” in diameter at a height of 4.5’ from the base of the trunk
  • Trees that are not treated with an insecticide for EAB
  • Trees with less than 25% dead branches or crown dieback

The Kentucky Division of Forestry (KDF) and University of Kentucky Forest Health Extension, are working to identify lingering ash trees in Kentucky, and we need your help. In the video above, Alexandra Blevins, with the Kentucky Division of Forestry, describes the search for lingering ash.

If you have spotted white or green ash trees that you think match these criteria, please record them in the TreeSnap App.  Based upon your recorded observation someone from KDF or University of Kentucky might reach out to you for more information.  

In the video to the left, Dr. Ellen Crocker with the University of Kentucky Forest Health Extension, explains how to use TreeSnap.

Contact Information

Dr. Ellen Crocker
Assistant Professor, Forest Health Extension

730 Rose St. Lexington, KY 40546
